1. Belated update

    Well, it's certainly been a while since I updated on my lab.  To be honest, there haven't been many major changes.  My senior project finished well, although it was only 80% complete.  My advisor said that's to be expected and it happens a lot, so I ended up passing the …

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  2. Partial Goodbye to Void

    When I originally found Void it was something new and exciting to play with, and I was more interested in BSD than I am now.  After using it for about 8 months, the honeymoon phase has worn off and I'm less enamored with the distro than I was previously.  Runit …

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  3. Class Projects and Proxmox

    The past month has been both disappointingly unproductive and surprisingly fruitful at the same time.  For the unproductive half, my senior project has returned to square one (maybe square two now?), but I got more work on my home lab than I expected to finish.

    Starting with the bad, my …

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  4. Personal Projects on Hold

    Well, as the semester starts coming into full swing, I'm putting my personal projects on hold.  While part of it is because I'm already studying a lot of tedious materials and learning even more will be hard, the biggest reason is my senior project.  I also have a few monetary …

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  5. New Year, Old Me

    Once again, it's been a bit since I've posted an update.  Between the end of the semester and traveling for the holidays I didn't have much time to play around with much.  I did get a Raspberry Pi 3 running PiVPN on my network, but I can't seem to access …

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  6. Nextcloud and updates

    It's definitely been a while since I last posted, I'll admit that up front.  Classes have kept me pretty busy, and until recently I hadn't really made progress on any projects that I've started.  The most I was able to do for a while was tinker around on my laptop …

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  7. OS Refresh

    As I mentioned in my previous post, I found out that my Windows installation was all sorts of screwed up.  Even though I was using an SSD to house Windows, it somehow messed up its own installation and put its own bootloader on my Western Digital Green HDD.  Given that …

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  8. Void Linux - Take 2

    Well, I finally did something worth making any kind of a post about.  After some fussing, I installed Void Linux on my desktop - and the problem wasn't installing the system itself.  As it turns out, my EFI bootloader is a mess and Void wasn't being provided an entry in the …

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  9. Posting is hard

    Sorry for the lack of updates, between several family events, adjusting to my current internship, and simply being bad at writing blog posts, this has simply fallen off the to-do list recently.  However, here's an idea of what I'll be looking into and writing about:

    • Installing Linux on my desktop …
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