1. Belated update

    Well, it's certainly been a while since I updated on my lab.  To be honest, there haven't been many major changes.  My senior project finished well, although it was only 80% complete.  My advisor said that's to be expected and it happens a lot, so I ended up passing the …

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  2. New Year, Old Me

    Once again, it's been a bit since I've posted an update.  Between the end of the semester and traveling for the holidays I didn't have much time to play around with much.  I did get a Raspberry Pi 3 running PiVPN on my network, but I can't seem to access …

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  3. Posting is hard

    Sorry for the lack of updates, between several family events, adjusting to my current internship, and simply being bad at writing blog posts, this has simply fallen off the to-do list recently.  However, here's an idea of what I'll be looking into and writing about:

    • Installing Linux on my desktop …
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  4. Welcome!

    Hey, thanks for stopping by!  My name (as you can probably tell by the name of the site) is Sam Schmalzried.  I'm currently a CS student going into system administration, and I've considered starting my own tech "learning" blog of sorts so I can talk about my learning experiences.  Rather …

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