Posting is hard

Sorry for the lack of updates, between several family events, adjusting to my current internship, and simply being bad at writing blog posts, this has simply fallen off the to-do list recently.  However, here's an idea of what I'll be looking into and writing about:

  • Installing Linux on my desktop - this has been a challenge for me as it seems that since it's a custom build, some components might not be very Linux-compatible.
  • Kernel compilation - after 7 years of Linux usage, I still haven't done this.  If I get Linux installed on my desktop I'd like to take the time to optimize it a bit, and compiling the kernel with my own options seems like a good way to do it.
  • Learning Rust - I've been considering this language sponsored by the Mozilla foundation for a while, I have a couple of school projects that I'd like to re-do to see how they turn out.

Those three are the main ones that I've considered, but I know I have other projects that I can look into as well.  Updates should be soon!

