
Hey, thanks for stopping by!  My name (as you can probably tell by the name of the site) is Sam Schmalzried.  I'm currently a CS student going into system administration, and I've considered starting my own tech "learning" blog of sorts so I can talk about my learning experiences.  Rather than using a pre-built Wordpress setup, Blogger, or Tumbler, I figured that it would make sense for me to learn to set up my own Wordpress server and use it.  Since this is my very first post (and the site was set up less than 15 minutes ago), it's pretty bare-bones.  If you have suggestions for me regarding layout, content, or administration (especially security), let me know.

Right now this is all I have - a basic setup with a single post.  Next up is setting up HTTPS with Let's Encrypt, then I'll move on to experiences such as figuring out how to dual-boot my desktop (which hasn't been letting me install bootloaders with any distro) as well as experiences from classes and my internship this summer.  Let me know what you think!

Edit:  Turns out that Let's Encrypt is a lot easier than I remembered, so the switch to HTTPS is already done.

