1. Belated update

    Well, it's certainly been a while since I updated on my lab.  To be honest, there haven't been many major changes.  My senior project finished well, although it was only 80% complete.  My advisor said that's to be expected and it happens a lot, so I ended up passing the …

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  2. New Year, Old Me

    Once again, it's been a bit since I've posted an update.  Between the end of the semester and traveling for the holidays I didn't have much time to play around with much.  I did get a Raspberry Pi 3 running PiVPN on my network, but I can't seem to access …

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  3. Nextcloud and updates

    It's definitely been a while since I last posted, I'll admit that up front.  Classes have kept me pretty busy, and until recently I hadn't really made progress on any projects that I've started.  The most I was able to do for a while was tinker around on my laptop …

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  4. Welcome!

    Hey, thanks for stopping by!  My name (as you can probably tell by the name of the site) is Sam Schmalzried.  I'm currently a CS student going into system administration, and I've considered starting my own tech "learning" blog of sorts so I can talk about my learning experiences.  Rather …

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